Life couldn’t be better than this. I’m celebrating my twenty-first birthday on September 29. I am not getting any younger but a year older; but still I don’t want to believe I’m no longer a teenager. Stupid. Like what, it’s been a year after my Twenteen birthday (still in denial). Isn’t that ridiculous?
Life is like cereals. You put milk on it. You eat it. That’s it. A dim-witted-made-up-quote but true. Sometimes we shouldn’t ask for things, we’ll get it if it’s really ours. When I was a little boy, I used to tell myself I want to get older fast so I get taller. But to my disappointment I got old but not tall. No so long ago, I wanted to graduate college so I can earn and be able to stand on my own. But to my surprise, it’s not that easy to be independent (when they started depending on you).
Living in this world two decades and a year, I found out a lot of things, made mistakes, learned so many lessons and realized that we should not rush life; because there’s a way better future ahead. Look forward and grab it like it’s the only cereal box left in the shelf.
the boy with the broken stomach
How to become a Super Mega Evil Genius!
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How to become a Super Mega Evil Genius!