Tonight I joined the Twitter Translation Center after reading their post about Filipino translation of the said social network. I was fascinated that they actually considered us. It only means that our tweet habit is worth considering.
Currently Twitter is translated to eleven languages Dutch, Portuguese, French, Indonesian, Italian,German, Japanese, Korean, Russian, Spanish and Turkish. Filipino and Malay as their current work in progress. But one thing that bothers me on that post is the word "Filippino", was it a typographical mistake or a serious error.
Translating Twitter in your own language is fun. You get to appreciate things more, think much deeper of the nearest word that could fit and apply the lessons your Filipino teacher thought you in high school.
As of now, I was able to translate 50 entries at level two and I'm planning to finish these all. I might get a cool reward. They say, active translator gets a badge. I'm so excited to see Twitter in Filipino.
Vote for me guys! http://translate.twttr.com/user/davearroyo
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