the boy with the broken stomach
The sky was on fire
"Let your hopes and dreams for this year be heard by the universe. Fly!"

Firefly lanterns provide very optimistic vibes for the New Year as it filled the night sky over SM San Pablo last night at the parking lot area. Families and friends get together to celebrate the first day of 2013.

It was amazing with all the bright lit lanterns floating in the air, while others are burning just before they hit the ground with their unlucky fate. It’s tricky to maneuver this thing because of the strong wind plus it’s made with a delicate material which comes very handy of catching fire.

It took a while before all the lanterns were released altogether and by the time they were all in air I was speechless. It was so beautiful and eye popping. I think my heart fell off. The colors and the lights brought hope and joy to me. A total heart stopping and nerve cracking experience which I don’t you usually have on a regular basis.It was magical.

When I look up, the sky was on fire like there were flying fairies delivering your wish to the universe, as you wait here on earth for that wish to come true. As I became too much attached to the scene I found myself smiling and enlightened. I realized that the world we live in can still be a better place and that there is still hope for a new beginning and for a new year.